Our vision is to bring our community into the 21st century through innovation, modern technology and capacity building. Learning will be enhanced with computer software and educational games that will allow users to proceed at their own rate according to their ability. Our Management Committee members and volunteers have been able to undertake a variety of capacity building training intended to improve their skills and ability to run the organisation, and to have a better understanding of their roles and responsibilities.
About Us
The Kimbanguist Hope of the World is a registered charity in England and Wales and is based in London borough of Islington. The objects of the organisation are for the benefit of the public and in particular for the benefit of those members of the public from the Democratic Republic of Congo living in the United Kingdom.
Our aims:
to promote the Kimbanguist heritage, moral principles and to advance the education of its members;
to improve their condition of life by relieving them of poverty, sickness, financial hardship and distress.
To help people enjoy life, or offer an affordable solution to health care.
By focusing on the needs of the members of our community they serve, we enable our users to deliver better outcomes. Our frontline delivery involves us in vital areas of public life, including providing good health, finding sustainable jobs for the long-term unemployed, helping patients recover more quickly, improving the local environment, rehabilitating vulnerable young and elder people. They want a partner who gives them confidence through consistent delivery, who can anticipate and adapt to change, and who can understand what they want to achieve across their organisation.
Our Mission
The Kimbanguist Hope of the World operates United Kingdom wide with plans to develop activities in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The guiding principles of the organisation are:
to work with members of our community whose full participation in society is limited by economic and social disadvantage;
to encourage and enable members of our community to collectively play an active role in the development and the renewal of our community;
to provide means by which members of our community can achieve their goals by:
Identifying new community needs and developing initiatives for meeting them, Promoting partnership between our organisation, statutory and voluntary sectors and other community organisation in the delivery of services.
Providing this support in a cultural way and with particular values; working with members of our community and other groups and communities in a flexible open way and challenging inequalities.
Culture and Values
Our products and processes differentiate us from our competitors. But this goes deeper. The fundamental difference at the Kimbanguist Hope of the World comes from the unique culture and values that underpin the way we run the charitable organisation and the way we behave. We value working with our communities in a collaborative, flexible and imaginative way. They value our fresh thinking and the collaborative and imaginative way we work. We also look for opportunities to leverage our scale to our participants' advantage. Vision, Strategy and Planning for the future.
Our strategy is to be a superb provider of public services, by being the best managed business in our sector.
We will be a focused our business, specialising across five pillars:
Education and Training
Advice on Drug prevention and treatment
Domestic violence
Women issues
Teenage pregnancy
Employment new deal and training opportunities for all
Basic information to HIV / AIDS
In the year 2015/2016, we plan to consolidate the existing services and other project activities:
The Advice and Information service
The Community Access to Information Communication Technology Programme
The Family Learning Scheme
The Community Health Improvement Activities
Cultural activities
Youth ProjecConsolidation of existing services and other project activities triggers put the demand high on funding. Future plans to maximize funding for the organisation remain a key service priority. With this regard, the Kimbanguist Hope of the World would like to thank in advance all funding bodies who would be interested in supporting the organisation’s activities in whatever from this may be.